• 1. What is Asset Declaration?

    Asset, Income and Liabilities Declaration is a public accountability tool to check illicit enrichment of public servants, Manage potential Conflicts of Interest and promote public trust.

  • 2. Who all are required to file Asset Declaration?

    All public servants who falls under the scope of Schedule I & II of the Asset Declaration Rules 2022 must file their Asset Declaration annually until s/he ceases from being a covered person.

  • 3. Does a foreign national needs to file Asset Declaration?

    Yes, if s/he is working in any public agencies in the country and falls under the scope of Schedule I & II of the Asset Declaration Rules 2022

  • 4. Is a declarant on long term leave required to file Asset Declaration?

    If a declarant is on leave without pay for one year or more in the income year, s/he is not required to file any declaration for that period. However, asset, income & liabilities acquired in such periods should be filed in the subsequent year of declaration after his/her assumption of office.

  • 5. How can I file my Asset Declaration?

    You can file your Asset Declaration directly through online Asset Declaration System To enable you to file it online, you must first register in the system if you are a new declarant. You can also file your AD in hardcopy www.adsnew/