Section 38 (1) of the Anti-Corruption Act of Bhutan (ACAB) 2011 requires all covered persons to file their Asset Declaration (AD). This is to promote transparency, accountability and public trust in the public service
You are required to file your assets, income and liabilities as per the prescribed form of the AD Rules 2017.
a) Annual Declaration: Declare your assets, income and liabilities for the income year (1st January to 31st December) only.
b) Assumption of office: Declare all your assets and liabilities acquired before the assumption of office. You are not required to declare your income and expenditure.
c) Vacation of office: Declare your assets, income and liabilities for the period between annual declaration and vacation of office.
You are required to file your declarations in accordance with the Rule 9 (a, b & c) of the AD Rules 2017:
a) Annul Declaration:1st February to 31st March;
b) Assumption of office: Within three months after becoming a covered person; and
c) Vacation of office: Within one month before ceasing to be a covered person for planned exit and within one month after ceasing to be a covered person for unforeseen exit.
Failing to file your AD or filing false information in the AD may subject you to penalty or disciplinary action as per the ACAB 2011 and AD Rules 2017. Willful falsification of information may subject you to criminal prosecution.